Dark room

The dark room is equipped for traditional printing and alternative processes such as cyanotype, platinum palladium, gum dichromate, etc.
Equipment :
- three multi-format enlargers from 35mm up to 4X5 inches :
- Durst Laborator 138s
- Vintage Priox complete with Boyer original lenses
- De Vere 504
- a UV Agfa Dupliphot 740 exposure box, 50X70cm format
- a drying rack
- development tanks for roll films and sheet films up to 4X5 inches
Rental fee for the dark room :
40 euros per half-day
70 euros per day (9:00 to 19:00)
300 euros for a week (5 days)
plus a fee for any extra water consumption
Digital workspace

The digital workspace includes :
- IMac 21,5 inch computer, retina screen
- a 24 inch Epson Stylus Pro 7900 printer, fitted out for Piezography Pro
- a 44 inch Epson Sure Color P8000
Paper supplied : Awagami, Canson, Innova, Hahnemühle.
Rental fee for the digital workspace :
250 euros per day
125 euros per half-day
150 euros per half-day of coaching (printer set-up and fine tuning)
Print fee :
Colour print
2 euros per print A3
4 euros per print A2
8 euros per print A1
4 euros per print A3
8 euros per print A2
16 euros per print A1