Workshops and
master classes
master classes
Instructor : Dominique Laugé
With traditional black&white photography, the zone system permits the control of exposure and development so as to obtain a print of the best possible quality.
In an interview given to Playboy in May 1983, Anselm Adams, who invented the technique, said : “Then the time will come when you will be able to make

Zone system for digital photography
Zone system for digital photography
Instructors : Dominique Laugé and Patrick Borie-Duclaud
The development of digital precision printing allows experimentation that could not have been dreamt of a few years ago. This is the reason why the Centre for photography offers a workshop on the production of large format digital negatives that allows traditional printing by contact. The

Piezo Pro, Piezo DN and platinum palladium
Piezo Pro, Piezo DN and platinum palladium
For connoisseurs of traditional photography, the final print is paramount in the rendering of a picture by the enlargement of negatives varying from 35mm to 8x10’’.
Numerous technical factors such as the kind of enlarger, the chemicals and the type of papers that are being used influence greatly on the final result.
This two-day workshop will

Traditional black&white printing
Traditional black&white printing
Also Zone system applied to digital photography (English version to come) :
Instructor : Dominique Laugé.
Ansel Adams’s zone system enables the photographer to determine the correct exposure as well as the adjustment of contrast on the final print. This method of exposure and

Zone system
Zone system
Instructor : Dominique Laugé.
Knowing how to control the numerous industrial papers on the market to obtain the best possible results for exhibition prints is important. But it is also very interesting for a photographer to personalize his work thanks to various unconventional papers that allow him to obtain special effects.
The purpose of the

Instructor : Dominique Laugé.
The production of digital negatives Epson K3 printing process makes it possible to obtain big format negatives adapted to contact printing with any alternative method.
Platine-palladium printing is a process of photographic printing by contact of a negative on a UV sensitive emulsion of a platinum and palladium

Initiation pt-pd, Van Dyke and cyanotype
Initiation pt-pd, Van Dyke and cyanotype
Instructor : Dominique Laugé.
Everything you want to know about traditional black&white photography and darkroom magic : exposing, developing and printing.
It is not necessary to be familiar with photography to gain benefit from the workshop.
Each participant should leave having completed four or five 24x30 prints either from negatives

Black&white film photography
Black&white film photography
Instructor : Dominique Laugé.
Traditional large format photography has always been meant to give the best quality for architecture, landscape, still lifes and portrait. However, the use of a view camera needs a specific training such as this four-day workshop is offering.
Proceedings :
Basics :
• focus
• Scheimpflug’s law
• tilt &

Large Format
Large Format