Zone system for digital photography
Pre-visualizing the final image
On demand

Instructor  : Dominique Laugé

With traditional black&white photography, the zone system permits the control of exposure and development so as to obtain a print of the best possible quality.

In an interview given to Playboy in May 1983, Anselm Adams, who invented the technique, said : “Then the time will come when you will be able to make the entire photograph electronically. With the extremely high resolution and enormous control you can get from electronics, the results will be fantastic. I wish I were young again !”

With digital photography, as with traditional photography, the use of zone system allows one to pre-visualize the final image using the ten zones – from black to white – such as they were defined by Ansel Adams. The development of the image is not executed in the dark room, employing chemicals, but in front of a screen, using adapted graphic editors.

An optimum and controlled exposure consents for the production of easy to do digital prints, that match what had been pre-visualized during the shooting.

The purpose of the workshop is to master the zone system adapted to digital photography through :
· training in shooting adequately on the spot,
· controlling of exposure and contrast,
· continuing printing of tests 

At the end of the workshop, the trainee will be able to take exploitable pictures without (too much) doubting or probing.

The participant should leave having completed five A3+ prints after a series of reading proofs.

To gain benefit from the workshop, it is necessary to possess, prior to it, a good practice of digital color and black&white photography.

Dates : to be defined - on demand

Basic essentials : Digital camera, laptop and USB key.

Price : 1680€ inclusive of tax per person for four days and including a registration fee of 504€.
Reduced price for professional photographers under 27.
Lunches at the Centre and material are included.
Maximum group size : 3

Spoken languages : French, English and Italian

Below, in French, you will find  :
· The contract
· A detailed program
· A biography of Dominique Laugé
· Returns on workshop experience by participants
· Internal rules & regulation 

If you find any difficulty understanding the information given in these documents, please get in touch with us.

For the general conditions, follow this link :

Photos : Dominique Laugé