Workshop digital black&white shooting and initiation to Piezography®
9-10 March 2019 or 23-24 March 2019

Instructors : Patrick Borie-Duclaud and Dominique Laugé.

Two workshops on Piezography® : 9-10 March 2019 or 23-24 March 2019. 

Black&white digital photography is currently undergoing a significant development. All companies producing cameras are offering a monochrome option on their models. To meet this interest, the Centre pour la photographie is proposing a workshop on black&white digital shooting and printing ; the combining of both in fact demands a fine technique in order to get the best results. The workshop’s purpose is to provide the participants with the means of achieving a better control of the whole process.

Piezography Pro is a unique printing technique that employs ten monochrome coal inks plus a varnish, that provide an exceptional gradation of grey tones.

Proceedings :


  • half-day shooting
  • half-day editing and projection
  • guidelines for preparing files


  • introduction to Piezography Pro and printing

Participants should finish the workshop having completed 5 prints A3+ on bamboo paper Awagami either with photos shot on Saturday morning or from files brought on purpose for Piezography Pro printing.

This workshop will be of interest to any person familiar with digital photography who wishes to obtain high quality black&white digital prints.

Basic essentials : laptop, digital camera, USB key.

Price : 350 euros per person for two days with a registration fee of 175€.
Lunches and aperitif on Saturday night at the Centre are included.
Maximum group size: 6

Dates : Two workshops are planned : March 9-10 or March 23-24 2019
If the minimum number of people required is not reached, the Centre may cancel the workshop.

Sequences :
9:00  meet n’ greet
9:30 - 13:00.  work
13:00 - 14:30  lunch
14:30 - 17:30  work
18:00  aperitif (on Saturday)


Photo : Patrick Borie-Duclaud