Week-end : 18 -19 June 2022 -
Instructors : Patrick Borie-Duclaud and Dominique Laugé
Black&white digital photography actually is undergoing a significant development. All companies producing cameras are offering a monochrome option on their models. To meet this interest, the Centre pour la photographie is proposing a workshop on black&white digital piezography printing which purpose is to give the best results.
Piezography Pro is a unique printing technique that employs ten monochrome coal inks plus a varnish, that provide an exceptional gradation of grey tones.
This workshop will be of interest to any person familiar with digital photography who wishes to obtain high quality black&white digital prints.
Proceedings :
– theory and presentation of the of Pezography printing method
– guidelines for preparing files and first prints
– printing with Piezography Pro on different types of paper
Participants should finish the workshop having completed four prints A3+ from files brought on purpose for Piezograophy Pro printing.
Basic essentials : portable computer and files to print.
Price : 400€ inclusive of tax per person for two days with a registration fee of 120€
Material and lunches at the Centre are included.
Maximum group size : 6
Dates of the week-end : 18 - 19 June 2022
Deadline for inscriptions : 5 June 2022
Should the government issue emergency measures, the participants will be fully reimbursed.
Spoken languages : French, English, Italian.
9.00 welcome
9.30 -13.00 work
13.00 -14.00 lunch
14.00 -18.00 work
18.00 aperitif (on Saturday)
Below, in French, you will find :
– The contract
– A detailed program
– Returns on workshop experience by participants
– A biography of Dominique Laugé
– Internal rules & regulation
If you find it difficult to understand the information given in these documents, please get in touch with us.
For the general conditions, follow this link : http://www.centrephoto-gaillac.com/-GTS
Photo : Patrick Borie-Duclaud